About the baker


My name is Kayla Miller. I’m really from all over with my dad being Navy and all. I’ve lived in a lot of different states but I moved to Washington from Virginia, which is actually pretty far now that I think of it. This blog is for my Com 210 class and I decided that baking is the best thing for me to do, I have experience with baking, although I’m not the best baker out there this project gives me time to actually work on it, which is honestly pretty great. Baking is actually one of my hobbies. I don’t really have a lot of hobbies, because if I have too many I lose focus on school, school should be first in everyone’s book in my opinion, without it you might not get the dream job you have always wanted. I have a dream of doing what my mother does, help others find jobs. It really makes her happy that she is helping people out. I’d love to help people out like my mom does, I just love the fact that your job would be finding someone else a job. I think I would be pretty good at it too if you asked me.

Bye for now!


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