Reflection Post

At the end of this class I would have to say that my favorite project was the last one. Not because it’s over but because it was the one I had the most fun making, freaking out over being camera shy I’m really glad that my boyfriend was there to help. I know have a general understanding of all the programs we used, I can put on my resume that I have basic adobe skills and can probably learn on my own more about it. I think this is a good starter class for anyone wanting to learn adobe without being super pressured on getting everything 100% right.


My career path I want to follow is be a head hunter, I want to hire the best person for a company and making sure they get their monies worth. I don’t really see how this could really worth with my career path, but it is still a good skill to have in case if I do need it or it becomes useful later on. Sadly, none of the things we did in class really changed my mind about what I want to do, but I’ve always wanted to be a head hunter so it will be hard to get me to change my mind.


I wished I would have used Photoshop more to my advantage but I just couldn’t get it to do what I wanted it to. I think audio was the simplest followed by video, the both were pretty straight forward, while others had secret buttons that if you didn’t know the tricks they were hard to find. Overall I’m pretty happy with the results, there wasn’t anything that I thought I was super bad at, I just didn’t give myself the time.


I didn’t really use any websites to help me, which would have probably helped me with any questions or issues I had. They could have been useful at 10 o’clock at night when your TAs are sleeping and you are struggling. But I never thought about looking anything up because I thought everything was provided for us.


I think the tutorials are a little complicated, I think they should have been for the people that never used the adobe products, like complete for yourself since there was a video provided and you can learn step by step to do different tricks and tips. I just kept finding myself not doing them since they were harder than I knew what I wanted to do.


I think anyone on edge of taking this class needs to take a step back, think about those job interviews were they have the same qualifications as the people around them and how these basic skills could help them get the step up. I personally was super worried about this class, but sometimes you have to get over your fears.

Final video Project


The idea I had from the start, I kept think how could I do a video based a baking? The question itself was the answer. So I filmed with the help of my boyfriend, a baking show. The fun part was setting it up like the traditional baking shows that you see, the ingredients all measured out, looking all nice and also making sure not to show you the struggle of how hard it is to set up.


I had to cut and edit a lot because at one point I just couldn’t keep a straight face and had a problem with saying words without laughing. I just had an issue where I kept thinking about how this was going to be on youtube and how people could probably find it if they really tried.


From the draft to final I didn’t change much. I increased the volume so you can tell that I didn’t cut out words, it was just the start of me talking and I kept losing the flow after every pause and didn’t know where to start back up again. I actually paused a couple of time after my boyfriend hit record, to give myself enough time to gather my thoughts and I knew I could cut it out later if I needed to.


Overall I think this is my best project yet, I did my best with the skills that I had and the skills that I learned. Using the Peer reviews I noticed the biggest thing was increasing the volume, although I was a clear speaker, I was quiet. They also recommended music which I didn’t add. I didn’t like how it sounded and decided against it.


The peer reviews were helpful, since I knew what I said the video sounded fine, but since they had no idea what I said the video was off and the volume needed to be raised.

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