Draft Video Project


For my draft video project I decided to film a baking show, my boyfriend helped film this so big credit to him. I filmed over Thanksgiving break so I really only had one shot at doing this, I actually almost had an issue of making the video too long. I edited out some of the mistakes, I’m still looking for anymore if I need to. Cutting down the video was actually pretty hard, I needed to figure out what was needed and what was just extra. I made a few mistakes but it didn’t mess with the flow, I took a few seconds of pause so I knew that I could cut it out. This was actually really fun to make, editing was a different story.


The razor tool was probably my best friend, I needed to make a lot of cuts without changing or ruining the flow. Going forward to I want to add effects and try to make it look like an actually baking show, try to make more clear edits and pull it together more. I don’t have time to film it all over again, so I’m going to have to work with what I have. Which is a nice challenge, I just hope I have time to do everything. This was probably my favorite assignment so far, I can’t wait to see what my group has and see what they have to say, which really helps me.


I like having my stuff peer reviewed since I learn a lot about what I can change, what they would have added and what they think I should add. The outside point of view I think really helps everyone, in their own way.


I look forward to see what my peers have to say and improving my video more.

Raw video and story board

Sample Storyboard: Baking show

Visual Elements Audio Elements
0:00-0:20 Introduction of baking show, what we are baking. Oven preheating
0:20-0:40 What ingredients are needed, start to mix dry ingredents Whisking sounds
0:40:1:00 Finishing mixing dry, mix butter and two sugars Sound of mixer
1:00: 1:30 Putting eggs and vanilla into creamed butter and sugars Sound of mixer
1:30:2:00 adding dry and making cookies



Audio Final

I honestly struggled with this, I kept pressing to rerecord each time I had a mistake. It got to the point that I had to just take a pause so I knew where to cut out the mistake and carry on. I used the female voice enhancer to help my voice and I used the razor tool to get rid of my mistakes. I tried to take everyone’s advise on making sure that I’m not using “um” or “like” and I think I did a pretty good job this time. It is hard to really say how many times it took me before I was finally happy and knew I had to the skills to edit it. I’m just likely that I found something to relate my topic too without going over time. Although it was hard I really wanted to make sure that I got this done and turned in. I tried my best and I hope for the best, I really did try to take everyone’s comment and try to get into my voice. The sounds didn’t fit because they were either too quiet or didn’t really fit. It honestly just sounded awkward with the sound, like a really bad story put together by a two year old. I’m actually pretty happy with what I have done because I was surprised I could come up with the results that I did with how many mistakes I made. This class is teaching me that it is okay to struggle, there are other people struggling right next to you, the point is to do your best and that’s what I did. I thought I wasn’t going to pull this off, but luckily my laptop showed up in the mail just in time for this to be due. I am truly happy how far I have come in this assignment.




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