Baking Way

I chose Baking because I bake on my free time, well when I’m not busy taking quizzes or writing blog posts and papers. I can remember a time from when I was very little, I used to help my mom bake cookies and I would always stand on a dining room chair to help and to see what she was doing. Baking will always something I will be interested in because I like how you start with basically nothing and end up with something. Plus it’s actually pretty easy to mess up, which is pretty exciting, at least to me. I like how there are different methods to baking and you have to figure out what method works for you. You learn from your baking mistakes, from simply adding to much salt or catching your oven on fire, you will learn what not to do. I plan to collect everything I need for this class by actually taking the time to bake. I’m not quite sure what I am actually going to bake, but I’m sure you will find out soon. For the Video assignment I was thinking of filming the baking process, and for the advertisement I was thinking of doing a bake sale ad.  Most of my inspiration comes from other baking blogs. Mostly because it’s not a simple betty crooker  recipe they took from the internet or the back of the box, it’s something that they either created or they started with a basic recipe and made it their own. Baking is just a form of art to me, from the batter to the frosting it’s a piece of art that you created with your own hands.

Here are a view of those baking blogs that I look at for recipes and ideas:

Call Me Cupcake

Vanilla Bean Blog

Top with Cinnamon

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